Source: widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav.js

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * Contains the Dojo Tree Control for specs and the CreationModalDialog Module.
 * @module explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav
 * @requires module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog
 * @requires module:explorer/gadget-spec-service
 * @augments dijit/_WidgetBase
 * @augments dijit/_TemplatedMixin
 * @augments dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin
 * @augments dojo/Evented
 * @see {@link|WidgetBase Documentation}
 * @see {@link|TemplatedMixin Documentation}
 * @see {@link|WidgetsInTemplateMixin Documentation}
 * @see {@link|Evented Documentation}
define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'dijit/_WidgetBase', 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin', 
        'dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin', 'dojo/text!./../../templates/SidebarNav.html', 
        'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/Evented', './CreationModalDialog',
        '../../gadget-spec-service', 'dojo/store/Memory', 'dojo/store/Observable', 'dojo/on',
        'dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel', 'dijit/Tree', 'dojo/dom', 'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/domReady!'],
        function(declare, WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, template, domConstruct, Evented,
            CreationModalDialog, gadgetSpecService, Memory, Observable, on, ObjectStoreModel, Tree, dom, domClass, query) {
  return declare('SidebarNavWidget', [ WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, Evented ], {
    templateString : template,
    specStore : null,
    specModel : null,
    specTree: null,
     * Called right after widget is added to the dom. See link for more information.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @see {@link|Dojo Documentation}
    startup : function() {
      var self = this;
        success : function(json) {
          json.unshift({name: "Root", id: "root"});
          self.specStore = new Memory({
            data: json,
            getChildren: function(object){
              return this.query({parent:});
          self.specStore = new Observable(self.specStore);
          self.specModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
            store: self.specStore,
            query: {id:"root"},
            mayHaveChildren: function(item){
              return item.hasChildren;
          self.specTree = new Tree({
            model: self.specModel,
            openOnClick: true,
            showRoot: false,
            persist: false,
            onClick: function(node) {
              self.emit('show', node);
          self.specTree.set("path", self.getPath([], self.getDefaultId()));
        error : function(data) {
          console.error("There was an error");
      on(this.addGadgetBtn, 'click', function() {
      on(this.creationModal, 'newSpec', function(title, data) {
    * Adds a new spec to the Tree Control. If a user-created spec doesn't exist yet, a folder called "My Specs" is also added.
    * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
    * @param {String} title - Title of the spec to be added.
    * @param {String} specId - Id of the spec to be added.
    addSpec : function(title, specId) {
      if(this.specStore.query({name: "My Specs"}).length === 0) {
        this.specStore.put({id: "myspecs", isDefault: false, name:"My Specs", parent :"root", hasChildren: true});
      this.specStore.put({id: specId, isDefault: false, name: title, parent: "myspecs", hasChildren: false});
      var path = this.getPath([], specId);
      var newNode = this.specStore.query({id: specId})[0];
      var self = this;
      this.specTree.set('path', path).then(function() {
        self.emit('show', newNode);
      }, function(e) {
        console.error('There was en error selecting the node with the id ' + specId);
     * Gets the ID path of the spec in the tree control. Used to set the specTree focus to the particular spec.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @param {String} path - Accumulator parameter, starts as an empty array and is built up and eventually returned.
     * @param {String} startId - Id of the current object in the path.
     * @returns {String} The path of the spec.
    getPath : function(path, startId) {
      var object = this.specStore.query({id: startId})[0];
      if( == "root") {
        return path;
      } else {
        return this.getPath(path, object.parent);
     * Gets the ID of the default spec in the specTree (The spec that is initally displayed).
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @returns {String} The default spec's ID.
    getDefaultId : function() {
      var object = this.specStore.query({isDefault: true})[0];
     * Gets the name of the default spec in the specTree (The spec that is initally displayed).
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @returns {String} The default spec's name.
    getDefaultName : function() {
      var object = this.specStore.query({isDefault: true})[0];
     * Sets the ID of the focused spec in the specTree to the ID provided by the xhr POST. 
     * When a spec is added or rerendered, the servlet assigns a new ID to the updated spec. 
     * We use this method so that the spec's ID in the Dojo Tree is representative of its updated counterpart server-side.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @param {String} The default spec's ID.
    setNewId: function(id) {
      var focusedNode = this.specTree.get('selectedItems')[0]; = id;
     * Opens the CreationModalDialog modal for adding a new spec.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
    toggleModal: function() {
      domClass.remove(this.creationModal.domNode, 'hide');
      domClass.add(this.creationModal.domNode, 'in');
      query('body').append('<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>');
     * Getter method for the GadgetSpecService module for testing purposes.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/SidebarNav#
     * @returns {gadgetSpecService} The gadgetSpecService object.
    getGadgetSpecService : function() {
      return gadgetSpecService;