Source: widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog.js

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * A modal window that allows users to create a new spec along with information about the spec.
 * @module explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog
 * @requires module:explorer/gadget-spec-service
 * @augments module:explorer/widgets/ModalDialog
 * @augments dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin
 * @augments dojo/Evented
 * @see {@link|WidgetsInTemplateMixin Documentation}
 * @see {@link|Evented Documentation}

define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'explorer/widgets/ModalDialog', 'dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin', 'dojo/Evented',
        'dojo/query', 'dojo/text!./../../templates/CreationModalDialog.html', 'dojo/text!./../../stubs/StubXML.xml', 
        'dojo/text!./../../stubs/StubEEXML.xml', 'dojo/text!./../../stubs/StubHTML.html',
        'dojo/dom', '../../gadget-spec-service', 'dojo/on',
        'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/dom-style','dojo/NodeList-manipulate', 'dojo/NodeList-dom'],
        function(declare, ModalDialog, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, Evented, query, template, 
            stubxml, stubeexml, stubhtml, dom, gadgetSpecService, on, domClass, domStyle) {
  return declare('CreationModalDialogWidget', [ModalDialog, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, Evented], {
    templateString : template,
     * Called right before widget is added to the dom. See link for more information.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
     * @see {@link|Dojo Documentation}
    postCreate: function() {
      var self = this;
      on(this.creationSubmit, 'click', function() {
      on(this.creationExit, 'click', function() {
     * Sends the data of user-submitted spec to the servlet and hides and clears the modal.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
    onSubmit : function() {
      var self = this;
      var title = this.creationTitle.value;
      var option = this.creationSelection.value;
      var filename = title.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase();
      var userInput = {
          title: title,
          filename: filename,
          author: this.creationAuthor.value,
          description: this.creationDescription.value
      var callback = function(data) {
        self.emit('newSpec', title, data);
      if(option == "Gadget") {
        this.postNewGadgetSpec(userInput, callback);
      } else {
        this.postNewEESpec(userInput, callback);
     * Posts a new GadgetSpec to the servlet.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
     * @param {Object} userInput - User input information in the form of { title: ..., filename: ..., author: ..., description: ... }
     * @param {Function} thenFunction - Callback function to execute if the POST to the servlet is successful.
    postNewGadgetSpec : function(userInput, thenFunction) {
      var self = this;
      var postData = {
          title:          userInput.title,
          cssResources:   [{content: "", name: userInput.filename + ".css"}],
          jsResources:    [{content: "", name: userInput.filename + ".js"}],
          htmlResources:  [{content: self.replaceResourceStubs(stubhtml, userInput),
                            name: userInput.filename + ".html"}],
          gadgetResource: {content: self.replaceResourceStubs(stubxml, userInput), 
                           name: userInput.filename + ".xml"}
      this.getGadgetSpecService().createNewGadgetSpec(postData, {
        success : thenFunction,
        error : function(data) {
          console.error("There was an error");
     * Posts a new EESpec to the servlet.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
     * @param {Object} userInput - User input information in the form of { title: ..., filename: ..., author: ..., description: ... }
     * @param {Function} thenFunction - Callback function to execute if the POST to the servlet is successful.
    postNewEESpec : function(userInput, thenFunction) {
      var self = this;
      var postData = {
          title:          userInput.title,
          cssResources:   [{content: "", name: userInput.filename + ".css"}],
          jsResources:    [{content: "", name: userInput.filename + ".js"}],
          htmlResources:  [{content: self.replaceResourceStubs(stubhtml, userInput),
                            name: userInput.filename + ".html"}],
          gadgetResource: {content: self.replaceResourceStubs(stubeexml, userInput), 
                           name: userInput.filename + ".xml"},
          eeResource:     {content: "{\n}", name: userInput.filename + ".json"}  
      this.getGadgetSpecService().createNewGadgetSpec(postData, {
        success : thenFunction,
        error : function(data) {
          console.error("There was an error");
     * Replaces all instances of ${...} in a html code stub string with user input.
     * This method makes sure that the stubs generated for a new spec have the user's 
     * information in it (title, description, author).
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
     * @param {String} str - The html string that has instances of ${...} to replace.
     * @param {Object} mapObj - The object containing user data.
    replaceResourceStubs : function(str, mapObj) {
      return str.replace(/[$]{([^{}]+)}/g, function(match, key){
          return mapObj[key];

     * Clears the input boxes after a new spec is added.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
    clear: function() {
      var self = this;
      query(".creation", self.domNode).forEach(function(node) {
        node.value = "";
     * Getter method for the GadgetSpecService module for testing purposes.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/sidebar/CreationModalDialog#
     * @returns {gadgetSpecService} The gadgetSpecService object.
    getGadgetSpecService : function() {
      return gadgetSpecService;