Source: widgets/controlgroups/BooleanControlGroup.js

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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * A ControlGroup for the boolean option of the PreferencesDialog.
 * @module explorer/widgets/controlgroups/BooleanControlGroup
 * @augments module:explorer/widgets/controlgroups/ControlGroup
define(['dojo/_base/declare', './ControlGroup', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/dom-construct',
        'dojo/dom-attr', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/NodeList-manipulate', 'dojo/NodeList-dom'],
        function(declare, ControlGroup, query, domConstruct, domAttr, on) {
  return declare('BooleanControlGroupWidget', [ ControlGroup ], {

    constructor : function() {

     * Called right before widget is added to the dom. See link for more information.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/controlgroups/BooleanControlGroup#
     * @see {@link|Dojo Documentation}
    postCreate : function() {
      this.input = domConstruct.create('input', {"type" : "checkbox"});
      if(this.defaultValue.toUpperCase() === 'TRUE') {
        domAttr.set(this.input, 'checked', 'checked');
      on(this.input, 'click', function(e) {
        if(domAttr.get(e.currentTarget, 'checked')) {
          domAttr.set(e.currentTarget, 'checked', '');
        } else {
          domAttr.set(e.currentTarget, 'checked', 'checked');
      query('.controls', this.domNode).append(this.input);

     * Gets the state of the BooleanControlGroup checkbox.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/controlgroups/BooleanControlGroup#
     * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the checkbox is checked.
    getValue : function() {
      return this.input.checked;

     * Sets the state of the BooleanControlGroup checkbox.
     * @memberof module:explorer/widgets/controlgroups/BooleanControlGroup#
     * @param {Boolean} checked - Whether or not the checkbox should be checked.
    setValue : function(checked) {
      this.input.checked = checked;