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Site Documentation

The OpenSocial Explorers developer site is generated by Mavens Site Plugin. We use Markdown to create pages that are not part of Mavens site plugin. Finally the Maven SCM Publish Plugin is used to push the site source to the projects GitHub Page.

Generating And Publishing The Site

There are serveral steps in generating in publishing the site.

To generate the site you can run

$ mvn clean site

Note this command will not produce a working site for the entire project. The links between the different Maven modules will not work. In the target directory of each site there will be a site directory containing the site for each module. In order to generate working site you need to run

$ mvn clean site site:stage

This will stage the site and will produce working links between all the different modules. To see the staged site navigate to the parent projects target folder and open the staging folder.

After verifying the site is working in the staging directory it can be published to GitHub and made live. To do this run

$ mvn clean verify site site:stage scm-publish:publish-scm

After this completes you should be able to navigate to and see the newly published site.

Creating New Pages For The Site

To generate new content you must add a Markdown file to the src/site/markdown folder. If you want to then add a link to that page in the navigation of the site open src/site/site.xml and add a menu item.